Monday, December 17, 2007

Parade Day. whoo hoo.

Day numero dos. Let me just start by saying a picture's worth a thousand words. However, since I am a slight over-achiever I feel it essential to make it at least 1,200- ish. As you may or may not be able to tell from the picture, Dad drove today. 9 hours ago I might have been able to comment on this and it be found humorous, but now I will only say, we have seen almost 80% of Orlando. And it's a big city. I was so thankful to see the hotel again I did a mini happy dance. Marty began the day by refusing to wear his seatbelt longer than 2 minutes at a time, and he only increased in stubborn-ness as the day progressed. I'm pretty sure we only came into contact with around 10 english speaking people all day, and not one of those knows what Southern Hospitality is. My mom is paranoid and when there are 8 million people everywhere, that's not a good thing. I had to remind her several times that no one was going to get lost while standing in line. We most definately had our ups and downs accompanied by quite a few ins and outs, but obviously I survived and in good enough humor to record a Christmas medley. It's quite entertaining. I'm excited that tomorrow I get to see the Grinch (my Favorite!) and I get to ride the Hulk. Ohh ohh, we ate dinner at this weird place, and this old lady played the piano and sang, and she sang us the Alabama fight song. Quite the amusement. Actually I'm going to give the music from today the most amusing award. ( Suggestions for a better award name will be accepted) I'm tired and not feeling too creative so I'll leave you with the moral of the story... Never chase your family down a conveyor belt full of people and small children, you will run out of breath and they will not appreciate it.

1 comment:

Clay said...

Hey Jenna, sounds like you are having a AWESOME time! I have an idea for a name for the award, it can be the "That Made Me Laugh" award!

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